How Sugar Affects Your Teeth and Gums
November 6, 2019
We all know that sugar is bad for us, yet we continue to eat it. Perhaps it’s an addiction, or maybe we lack self-control. While sugar has many adverse effects on our overall health, there are many w...
10 Ways to Help Prevent Cavities and Promote Optimal Oral Health
October 2, 2019
Everyone knows that dental hygiene is crucially important for a number of reasons, yet most of us fail to take adequate care of our teeth and end up developing cavities at some point in our life. Usu...
Top 5 Best Home Whitening Kits
February 21, 2019
The most frequent question about tooth whitening kits is, “Do they really work?” Whether you’ve had expensive tooth whitening treatments done at your local dentist or have simply been putting up with...